BC Assembly of First Nations
ar First Nations Chiefs, Councillors, and Economic Development and Business Leaders, The BC Assembly of First Nations (BCAFN) is pleased to present our BCAFN Cannabis Toolkit. This toolkit provides information and resources regarding the legalization and economic development aspects of cannabis from a First Nations perspective. The Cannabis Toolkit is composed of four parts. First, a discussion paper on First Nations Stories of Economic Development and Cannabis explores a number of cases studies from First Nations people and Nations and provides a high-level view of the landscape. Next, an in depth-legal memo introduces a more nuanced understanding of the legal and economic challenges and opportunities First Nations are faced with. Finally, two draft template pieces are put forward for discussion and as a potential jumping off point for Nations who are exploring how they may wish to regulate, make agreements, or make laws with respect to cannabis in their territories. The opportunity to continue the dialogue, collaborate, and gain strength through the sharing of our stories and expertise is an exciting one, as First Nations press to participate in and occupy the emergent cannabis sector. We look forward to supporting First Nations as they determine their path forward on cannabis governance and economic development. This is an exciting time to be taking these steps, and it's an honor to present these to you.